Interdisciplinary Care Team

Interdisciplinary Care Team You are the leader of your care team!

Your Hospice Aides are experts in making daily tasks easier - they help you maintain dignity and independence through the simple but essential things like bathing, dressing and other every day tasks.

Your Doctors continue to care for you. You can choose to keep your relationship with your family physician, who works with your hospice care team. Bella Care's own physician's specialize in comfort care and consult with your doctor.

Your Nurse provides skilled care and support tailored to your physical condition and level of comfort and is an excellent source of information about disease processes, equipment use, hands-on care, and support for your caregivers.

Your Counselor helps you find ways to cope with the effects of illness in your life - making decisions, discussing difficult topics, finding emotional support, adjusting to loss -- and with what matters most to you.

Your Chaplain supports your personal spiritual beliefs, practices and needs - visiting listening and offering prayers, rites and rituals, assistance planning memorial services, and support in healing relationships. Your chaplain also works with your own clergy person and congregation as you desire.

Your Volunteers provide companionship, practical assistance like running errands and transportation, and emotional support. Their specific talents are matched to your needs. Count on them to be willing helpers, compassionate listeners and valuable members of your care team.

Your Equipment Specialists deliver the assistive items you need when and where you need them, and show you how to use equipment safely.

Your Pharmacists are experts in finding the right medications to control your pain and symptoms and keep you comfortable.