Clinical Resources

Clinical Resources

Early Referral = Better Quality of Life

The earlier a patient is referred, the more we can do to help. Sadly, many people believe that hospice care is unavailable or inappropriate until literally, the last days of a person’s life.

A great deal can be done, often many months earlier, to improve quality of life.

Bella Care Hospice can provide:

  • Expert pain and symptom management
  • Emotional and spiritual support to patient and loved ones
  • Assistance in organizing a patient’s personal affairs
  • Payment for medications, supplies and equipment associated with the hospice diagnosis
  • Help in how to talk about the many difficult issues that arise at end-of-life
  • Help in dealing with unresolved issues that block communication
  • Support for the caregiver
Another important benefit of early referral: Because we can do so much more, the patient enjoys better quality of life! We can tell you this: Having seen how much we can do for them, most Bella Care Hospice patients and families say their biggest regret is that they didn't call sooner.


Grief Effects Everyone Including the Healthcare Providers

Healthcare professionals can also experience grief when caring for dying patients. These healthcare professionals may experience more intense grief if the patient has been under their care for a long period of time.  Bereavement support for healthcare professionals is especially

Our bereavement professionals serve as important advocates to promote attention and action related to grief and loss.

Available Bereavement Services

  • Initial visit by Bereavement Coordinator
  • Quarterly bereavement contacts with monthly mailings
  • Grief education and counseling
  • Support groups for adults
  • Social support group gatherings
  • Yearly remembrance service
  • Access to a variety of materials through our library and resources

Continuing Education Units for Professionals

Benefits of early referring to hospice.

Referrals to hospice are made late or not at all due to the fact that discussions about end-of-life care are difficult. Barriers to hospice referrals may include:
  • Discomfort with death and grief.
  • Sense of failure about inability to “cure.”
  • Hesitation about prognosis.
  • Perception that hospice is only a “last resort.”
  • Financial concerns.
  • Doubts that hospice offers hope to patients and families.
  • Case management approval delays.

Hospice is Comprehensive and Affordable Care

Hospice includes medical care with an emphasis on pain management and symptom relief. Hospice teams of professionals and volunteers also address the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the patient and the whole family. Overseeing all patient care is the hospice medical director who can serve as the attending physician. The patient’s own physician may also serve in this role, working with the hospice team and its plan of care.